How to maintain a healthy lifestyle? What are the everyday rules to keep our body healthy? What diet should be followed for a healthy lifestyle?


healthy lifestyle


Health is wealth. The key to happiness of a person is a healthy body of his or her. A healthy body is defined as the overall ability of the body to function well. But our body is a storehouse of various diseases,if we have a body we will surely have some illness. Therefore,to keep our body free from illness we must follow some basic rules in our daily life. They are as follows –


1. Get up early in the morning 1 hour before the sun rises,drink 3-4 glasses of lukewarm water and go for a walk for 20-30 minutes. The fresh air in the atmosphere at that time is very important for our body.


2. Normally people take light breakfast and heavy lunch and dinner, but to be healthy one must take a heavy meal in the breakfast and light meals in the lunch and dinner.

diet, vegetables



3. Seasonal fruits, vegetables and pulses always keep our body healthy therefore, always try to have them but in a lesser amount.


4. Our food starts digestion after 1 hour of our meal so always try to drink water after 1 hour of meal.


5. Ice water is harmful for our body, try to drink normal water from a well or water kept in a mud pot it will keep your body cool.


6. Cleanliness is another important factor for a healthy lifestyle, the food we eat , the water we drink and the surrounding we live should always be kept clean.


7. Connecting with nature keeps a person’s mind body and surrounding healthy. Planting medicinal plants like Tulsi, Neem, Datura, Aloe vera, Swertia(চিৰতা) prevents various disease and keeps the air pure.


8. Last but not the least the other important factor to be healthy is to spent quality time with friends and family by discussing various topics, sharing incidents both old and new, playing games etc keeps a person’s mind fresh.



Written by Navasikha Gohain .

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