বিজ্ঞানৰ সংক্ষিপ্তকৰণ : S.I. Units | Н.Р | kWh


S.I. Units  : The International System of   Units .

Н.Р.   :    Horse Power.

kWh : kiloWatthour.

P. E :  Potential Energy.

К.Е. :  Kinetic Energy

TIFR  : Tata Institute of Fundamental

BARC : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.

Ly :  Light Year.

AU :  Astronomical Unit.

ISRO : Indian Space Research Organisation.

INSAT : Indian National Satellite.

IRS : Indian Remote Sensing Satellite.

PSLV  :    Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle.

GSLV :  Geosynchronous Satellite
Launch Vehicle.

IUPAC :  International Union of Pure And
Applied Chemistry.

IUPAP : International Union of Pure And
Applied Physics.

atm : Atmospheric Pressure.

ISO : International Organisation for

NTP : Normal Temperature and Pressure.

EDUSAT : The Indian Satellite for

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